Friday, November 30, 2007
They Live NADA Comic
I found it. Well, I've had it, but, I found it for you, a site where you can download it.
Thank this blogger personally from me, as soon as you download it.
(You must download all three parts, and then nab a comic viewer somewhere, maybe I'll post a link later, I just wanted to get this out there)
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Broaden the Resistance?
If I do, and anybody happens to be paying attention, should I also change the name of the Blog, to "The Resistance" and go with that? I am seriously hyped to rant about the SARAH CONNOR CHRONICLES when it airs in January, so I am really considering it. Let me know if you're alive out there...
More Aliens to Resist

Okay, when I heard the X-Files movie wasn't going to be about aliens, I just said to myself, that's cool, it will be interesting anyway. They're actually talking about having Frank Black(Lance Henriksen) in it so I am doubly interested.
But then I read this.
George Lucas and Steven Spielberg need to be taken to rehab. Enough with the aliens. Chris Carter should sue their asses over this. Indiana Jones goes to Area 51, and now aliens are going to show up in some half-ass remake of the LAST CRUSADE, sitting over a crystal skull in some temple?
Hey, man, I love B movies. I love BBBBAd movies. I love movies about alien invasions and the X-Files and you know all about it, but isn't Indiana Jones about supernatural artifacts and battling Nazis? Not freaking alien artifacts and KGB Agents.

Perhaps Lucass and Schpielberg have become scientologists, maybe this would explain all this idiocy. Perhaps they were abducted back in 1994 by aliens, and replace with humanoid replicants, or worse, alien shapeshifters.
I have no answers for this madness. This most recent rumor-article wasn't the first I've heard about Aliens, in the most rediculously titles, "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls." More aptly titled, "Indiana Jones and the Curse of George Lucas."
These guys are really getting on my nerves. E.T. shows up in the Phantom Menace, and now freakin' INDIANA JONES. Maybe Lucas is up there at Skywalker Ranch doing hyper-doses of crystal meth, and coming up with this shit. The absurdity never ends with these guys now.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Buckaroo Banzai Returns
The preview issue of the NEW Bucakroo Banzai comic IS HERE!
AND all three issues of the color new mini series
A BRAND NEW STORY by Banzai creator Mac Rauch!
Click here to get them!
Watch this page for news on our NEW Banzai mini series,
OF HUNAN BONDAGE which is a prequel to the film!
- also written by Mac of course!
This time with art by "Superman Returns" storyboard artist Chewie!

AND we also have a special oversize one-shot
also written by Mac with art by Paul Hanley!
AND, in Dec '07, there will be a new Banzai comic story
A CHRISTMAS CORRALL in the Moonstone Holiday Special,
also written by Mac and drawn by Ken Wolak!
Steve Watson | |
One of the biggest Taser representatives outside the US base has declared the company's intention to produce and sell internationally a small airborne drone version of the weapon that can administer electrical jolts of 50,000 volts.
Antoine di Zazzo has told the AFP that his French company is "developing a mini-flying saucer like drone which could also fire Taser stun rounds on criminal suspects or rioting crowds. He expects it to be launched next year and to be sold internationally by Taser."
The idea conjures up memories of the flying saucer spy drones from the 1988 dystopian cult classic movie They Live. The opening of George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty Four also features the idea of police flying overhead and snooping into homes. Now this nightmare vision is set to become reality.
With 250,000 Taser stun guns in use all over the world from North America, Australia, Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Australia, Singapore and New Zealand, to name just a few of 70 or so countries, it hardly takes a stretch of the imagination to foresee the take up of Taser's airborne drones.
In addition we have also seen moves by police forces around the world to test and use flying drones. Most recently controversy was raised after it was discovered that Houston police have been secretly testing spy drones that use a high-powered cameras designed to look into buildings or even follow people in moving cars.
Taser has been mired in controversy, since the wide uptake of its stun guns by police forces, due to the level of pain the devices inflict and the amount of deaths that have occurred after their use. Last week a perfectly healthy 20 year old man died in police custody after being shocked with a taser. Another 36-year-old man died Saturday five days after an altercation with police who used a Taser to subdue him. Last month a Polish man was killed at Vancouver airport after being stunned up to 4 times.
Further questions have been raised over more frequent police use of tasers. The guns are supposed to be the last response before lethal action, however, we have increasingly reported cases where police use them without warning and in non threatening situations.
Amnesty International has said there have been about 300 deaths around the world after Taser use and has called for it to be suspended while a full investigation into the impact is conducted.
On Friday, a UN Committee said the stun gun "causes acute pain, constituting a form of torture".
Despite this Antoine di Zazzo of Taser International says that no death has been attributed to the use of the gun and that the controversy is caused by misunderstanding of new technology.
When asked about the UN verdict on the weapons di Zazzo replied "You cannot call it real pain," and added that far from causing death, the gun "saves lives".
How long will it be before small flying saucer drones are zipping around our cities zapping people in order to "save lives"?
Sunday, November 18, 2007
X-File Movie Sequel: 2008!

There will be no aliens this time, but hell, I'll go see Scully and Mulder again, even if they're investigating Mothman!
There's nothing like seeing another episode of the X-Files, as most if not all were excellent TV Viewing.
The film will see David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson reprise their famous roles as alien-hunting FBI agents Mulder and Scully. Series creator Chris Carter will direct the as-yet unnamed film when production begins in Vancouver, Canada. Fox also announced the sequel will be released on 25 July 2008 in the US.
'Supernatural thriller'
The script, written by Chris Carter and Frank Spotnitz - who also co-wrote the first X-Files movie - is being kept a close secret. All that is being revealed is that it is a "supernatural thriller" and will develop the complicated relationship between Mulder and Scully.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Where the HELL is V?

I just checked AMAZON and now its been delayed until JANUARY!
First it was delayed to November, then December, and now January?
I am starting to think the 'Second Generation' has been hijacked by its possible political content, perhaps there's an 'election' in it, and perhaps its too controversial for some assholes in power right now...or...its just a really bad book, not even worth reading the introduction.
I thought this was funny, from Amazon comments:

They Live TV Series in the Works?
"Consider this an interesting rumour for the moment, but in the latest edition of "Empire" magazine, "Rowdy" Roddy Piper drops an interesting little tidbit that John Carpenter is in talks with the Sci Fi network to turn his cult classic 1988 flick "They Live" into a regular series on the channel.
It wouldn't be the first time Sci Fi have run with a concept like this, they managed to turn "The Dead Zone" into a long running show, and after dropping a line to Piper's representatives, they let us know that he would definitely be involved with any small screen effort that goes ahead - now if only they can get the "Hell Comes To Frogtown" 6 hour mini-series up & running..."
More on this possible news:
Could They Live become a TV series? Jul 25th 2007 3:03PM by Adam Finley
Perhaps. A few sites, citing an Empire Magazine interview with They Live star Roddy Piper, report that Carpenter was in talks with SciFi to develop his 1988 film into a TV series for the network.
Unfortunately, that's all we know, and it doesn't look as if the interview is on Empire's Web site. Nevertheless, I think this could be a really cool idea. They Live was a lot of fun in a campy, B-style sort of way, and its not-so-subtle plot of aliens trying to control mankind through subliminal methods is something that could be easily fleshed out into a full series. In the film, Piper's character, John Nada, finds a pair of sunglasses that allow him to see the various subliminal messages broadcast across the city: OBEY, CONSUME, etc.
Besides some great dialogue ("I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass, and I'm all out of bubblegum" and "you look like your face fell in the cheese dip back in 1957") the film is also infamous for a fight sequence that goes on for so long it becomes ludicrous. Here's my idea: have at least one episode each season that consists of nothing but a single fight that last the entire length of the episode. I would totally watch that.