Yup, that's right. In 1989 a japanese manga version of the television series V by Kenneth Johnson was done, supervised by: Go Nagai, painting: Yasuda TATSU
- 「悪魔の来訪者~Visitor~」(上巻) 勁文社 "Visitors to the Visitor to the devil" (上巻) 勁文Inc.
- 「勝利~Victory~への道」(下巻)勁文社 "Victory to the road to victory" (下巻)勁文Inc.
Rough translations of the descriptions on these pages through internet translators are:
One day suddenly, the huge UFO each of the earth's cities emerged. The whole world into a vortex of terror involving alien is a surprisingly friendly message to send.Visitor commander in chief John is a global conference to the UN Secretary General and hope. Tumultuous conference stepped onto the visitor figure of the human itself. Visitor and community life starts in a competent scientist who disappeared, and military functions and paralysis.They visitor to distrust held microphone, unaccompanied infiltrated the UFO mother ship.
上巻 1989年 2月10日発行 <悪夢の来訪者> 上巻February 10, 1989 issued
下巻 1989年 2月10日発行 <勝利への道> 下巻February 10, 1989 issued
勁文社刊 勁文's publication
" Kenneth Johnson of the American TV program is a dynamic professional KOMIKARAIZU.
Supervising editor / Go Nagai, painting / Yasuda TATSU.
Young biologist Julie ... The enemy commander of Diana's is a dynamite woman like a whip and torture is becoming MECHA. ビジターとの子供を生むロビンがぶちゃいくで,やはり「宇宙人の好みって変なの」って思った記憶あり。 Visitor Robin and the children are spotted YAIKUDE produce the same "space tastes so weird," I thought and memory.
上巻 「悪魔の来訪者~Visitor~」 上巻 "visitors to the Visitor to the devil" 突然世界中の大都市の上空に現れたUFO。 In major cities around the world suddenly appeared in the sky over the UFO. その目的は友好という‥‥宇宙からのビジターたちはマスコミをうまく利用し,地球にとけこもうとする。 The purpose is a friendly ............................. visitor from outer space who is the media to take advantage of the earth and TOKEKOMOU. 報道カメラマン,マイク・ドノバンはビジターたちを調べてるうちに,彼らのおそるべき正体と目的を知る‥‥。 Press photographer, Mike Donovan is a visitor who check you out, their identity and purpose OSORUBEKI know .............................. マイクと同じく周囲で異変に遭遇した人達は,ビジターに対抗するレジスタンスを組織する。 Mike catastrophe around the same people who encounter the visitor to counter resistance to the organization. | |
下巻 「勝利~Victory~への道」 下巻 "Victory to the road to victory" ビジターの目的は水資源だけでなく,政府ほか社会の要人を洗脳し,人間たちを飼い慣らし,食料として従属させることであった。 Visitor's goal is to water resources, as well as other government social dignitaries to brainwash the people to飼I慣RASHI, food as a subordinate that. レジスタンスたちは,ビジターに致命的なバクテリアの培養に成功した。 Resistance of the visitor fatal bacterial culture of success. 人類はおそるべきビジターに勝利することができるのか!? Mankind has OSORUBEKI visitor can win! ? |
Go Nagai started his most famous work, Devilman. Also created in the same year was Mazinger Z. Mazinger Z also started the super-robot trend that dominated the 1970's.
Some of Go Nagai's more recent anime projects have been Shin Getter Robo, Devilman Lady TV and Amon: The Apocalypse of Devilman. He is also putting out more manga now than ever.
1 comment:
Survival group against God?? LOL. Good luck with that. Truth is, no one knows the exact time this will happen except the man upstairs, however, I firmly believe that there are people placed here by God that post the warning signs and it's up to you to take heed.
]mayan predicted
[/url] - some truth about 2012
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